Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (neh-ten-YAH'-hoo) says his government has "fully substantiated intelligence" that Wednesday's attack against Israeli tourists in Bulgaria was carried out by the Iran-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah (hez-BUH'-lah).
Netanyahu tells CBS' "Face the Nation" that Israel "will do whatever is necessary" to protect innocent Israelis and says "there has to be a price exacted" from the terrorists and their backers.
Iran has denied responsibility for the bombing, which killed five vacationing Israelis, along with a Bulgarian bus driver and the attacker.
Netanyahu won't discuss specifics of a response, but the attack threatens to escalate a shadow war between Israeli and Iran over allegations that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. Iran says its atomic program is for peaceful purposes only.
Netanyahu says it's critically important to "make sure that the world's most dangerous regime doesn't get the world's most dangerous weapon."