2011年9月27日 星期二

ABC News: U.S.: Rising Suicides Stump Military Leaders

ABC News: U.S.
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Rising Suicides Stump Military Leaders
Sep 27th 2011, 13:31

The U.S. military doesn't need September's Suicide Prevention Month to realize it has a problem within its ranks.

The increase in suicide deaths is one of the most distressing issues facing military leaders who want to reduce the rates among active-duty service members. More than 2,000 of them have killed themselves in the past decade, including 295 last year compared with 153 in 2001.

Despite their best suicide-prevention efforts, reducing the number of military suicides has been a frustrating challenge, military leaders acknowledged earlier this month at a congressional hearing in Washington, D.C. Recent efforts have included increasing at-risk service members' access to mental health professionals, while reducing the stigma attached to mental health care. Internet outreach, including "video chats," has also shown some promise.

The difficulty, however, is in identifying which initiatives work best and deciphering the multiple triggers that can lead to suicide within the armed services, which accounts for a small fraction of the total number of people who serve.

The most commonly identified risk factors and "stressors", according to the leaders who testified, are relationship issues, work-related problems, financial pressure, legal concerns, alcoholism and substance abuse.

PHOTO: Among active duty members, the number of suicides per year have nearly doubled in the past 10 years.

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The number of suicides per year has nearly... View Full Size
PHOTO: Among active duty members, the number of suicides per year have nearly doubled in the past 10 years.
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Defense Department statistics indicate that since January, 2001, 2,293 active-duty service members have taken their own lives, including the ones who never deployed overseas. By comparison, 6,139 service members have died in Afghanistan and Iraq in the same period.

On the brighter side, the number of service members who killed themselves in 2010 declined slightly to 295 from 309 the year before, according to the "The DoD Suicide Event Report," which was released last week.

About a third of last year's service members had told at least one person they planned to kill themselves, according to the report.

Despite conventional wisdom, military suicides are not necessarily linked to overseas deployments. For the first time, however, there's evidence of an increase in suicides among those who have had more than one deployment, Army Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Thomas Bostick testified.

Historically, suicides have spiked after periods of "great drawdown" in the active-duty force, particularly in the Navy, said Rear Adm. Anthony Kurta, director of Navy military personnel.

"The next year, we often see a spike in our suicide rate," he said. "So we've seen that three times over the past 20 years. So it makes us remain ever vigilant as we go into a period now here of potential end-strength reductions."

Pending military budget cuts worry Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., chairman of the House Armed Services personnel subcommittee. "I am very concerned those stressors will only get worse in the coming months as debate regarding cuts to the Department of Defense budget intensifies."

Treatment: 'It's Not One Solution Fits All'

Despite the myriad of suicide-prevention programs developed in the past few years, military leaders say, there are too few ways to measure them properly to determine which ones work and which don't.

"It's very, very difficult to assess the effectiveness of the programs," Bostick said. "I think some are very early, some are still in the progress of piloting and, because it's not one solution fits all, we really need to come at this at multiple levels from multiple directions. It is very, very complex."

Each service has developed its own strategy and programs for preventing suicide. For example, the Marine Corps has set up a call center run "by Marines, for Marines," said Lt. Gen. Robert Milstead Jr., Marine Corps deputy commandant for manpower and reserve affairs.

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